Interaction matters: Research on development of alternative curricular experiences for young prisoners and prospective teachers
No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens but its lowest ones.

The Project
and Definition of the Problem
According to the Council Resolution on a Renewed European Agenda (2011) for adult learning and Strategic
Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ET2020), it is important to address “the learning needs of people in specific situations of exclusion from learning …
Objectives and Challenges
Our main goal is the improvement of the educational experiences for young prisoners taking into consideration the following conditions and corresponding challenges: …
Scientific and Social
ACTinPRISON aims to contribute: a) to relevant research on the field of prison education, b) to cross the boundaries of existing
educational policies and practitioners’ practices, c) to create bridges with the local community, to empower
young prisoners as becoming active citizens after getting out of the prison, and d) facilitate prospective teachers in their communication with young prisoners-as-students …
The Research Team is interdisciplinary and consists of nine members, academics and post-graduate researchers, who contribute with their expertise and research experience to different aspects of the implementation of ACTinPrison.
Specifically, the project ACTinPRISON is coordinated by Charoula Stathopoulou, Professor of Mathematics. It also includes three academics with diverse and complementary scientific expertise, such as Christos Govaris, Professor of Intercultural Education, Roula Kitsiou, Assistant Professor of Sociolinguistics, and Peter Appelbaum Professor of Education and Curricular Studies. In addition, …
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